Sunday, December 22, 2013

On Christ and Happiness

Especially around joyful holy days like Christmas, Christians tend to forget that, first, unbelievers can feel quite happy and fulfilled without Jesus in their lives—and second, that believers can still face troubles; Jesus doesn't always chose to remove them.
Our happiness on earth isn't why Jesus came!  Rather, God knew we needed rescuing from a danger we couldn't yet see—a pit that we'll fall into after this life if we don't ask Jesus to bridge the gap our willfulness has made between us and God, a rescue which is made possible by Jesus' death and resurrection.
Although humanity's eternal safety is Jesus' priority, that's not to say that He doesn't also bring happiness, salvation, and "peace on earth."  Having Jesus as our eternal savior does give us a joy and a peace that the happiest unbeliever can't imagine!  But that happiness isn't based on circumstances.  Rather, He gives us a different perspective; He makes us a new creation, transforming our nature to better resemble His.  We are saved from slavery to the world and to our own passions (though slave habits can be hard to break).  In addition, people can often point to other, specific things God saves them from here and now: alcohol, fear, grudges, a disease, a natural disaster, etc.
I suppose these observations of mine boil down to Jesus' words that "'In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart; I have overcome the world'" (John 16:33).  Thanks be to God, and Merry Christmas!

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