Tuesday, December 16, 2014

On Being a Novelist (Someday)

      I don't like strangers and friends knowing I'm writing a book.  (Ironic, right, since I'm posting this on the internet?  But please don't ask me for a summary.)  I don't mind my immediate family knowing my progress; they're my support group.  Yet, I feel uncomfortable when it comes up in conversation with others.  It's almost like a bragging point for those close to me (or at least a conversation topic for moments of silence), but I'm not comfortable sharing the tentative plot lines behind my projects; it sounds a little juvenile in summary, and not everyone cares for the particular genre I write in.  I likewise wince when others ask me what I've been up to today and I can only answer "writing."  "Writing what?" they inevitably ask, and there we go...
      My reticence is not true modesty but more like embarrassment.  It took me some time to think through the cause since I do rather like the general direction of my story (though I perpetually feel it needs improvement).  Fear of criticism is always part of revealing one's work, but in this case, it occurs to me that talking about the unfinished book feels rather like counting one's chickens before they hatch--like empty boasting, especially since I've yet to publish a book and I've been at my main project for over ten years--and stuck with an incomplete story of around 28 chapters for at least two.  Will I ever finish it?  I hope so.  When I do, then I'll be much happier to promote my work (or so I trust).  Do other writers feel this way?  Let me work in anonymity though I publish in (one can hope) renown.

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