Monday, October 15, 2012

On the Persistence of Unbelief

       I am frequently dismayed at the human capacity for stubbornness--not just the willful claim of one's right to one's self above God's claim on us (which includes all of us), but the refusal to even accept Christ based on either the claim that one is sinless (which as Joel likes to point out is itself boasting--a sin) and even moreso, the persistent claim that God is merely a concept of human imagination.  The truth seems so clear to me, but if this latter person refuses to accept the testimony of the created world as evidence of a Creator, rejects the authority of the Bible or the testimonies of Christians, and demands empirical proof of the supernatural (which is by definition undefinable), how is one to persuade such a person?  "For Jews demand signs and Greeks seek wisdom, but we preach Christ crucified, a stumbling block to Jews and folly to Gentiles" (1 Corinthians 1:22-23 ESV).  People can certainly be led to Christ through reason (C.S. Lewis is such an example), but reason can only point the way to Truth; it cannot prove His existence or power, nor make a stubborn person set aside doubts or prejudices or selfishness and trust Him
        When I feel frustrated or sorrowed by such people's persistent unbelief, I can only show them love and commit them to God; I must remind myself that it is not up to me to "convince" them if they refuse to be convinced; I can tell the truth to plant the seed and must let the Holy Spirit do the rest.  It hurts to watch esteemed people reject their only hope for eternal life, yet I know (not empirically--I believe) my helplessness, which so frustrates me now, will ultimately glorify God's strength and power to save, which no human can claim.

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