Thursday, August 28, 2014

On a Hairy Issue

      How often do we look in the mirror and think, "Meh, it'll do," or "Darn bedhead," and proceeded with our day giving little thought to the peculiarities of hair?  How strange that we have so little hair on the rest of our bodies, but our head hair grows continuously.  How interesting the way culture's views on hairstyle have changed over the decades and centuries, and sometimes cycled back around.  How fascinating that we gain impressions of people's personalities, cultures, and worth based on their hairstyles.  How amusing that we use hair about as much as facial features to recognize individuals.  How odd the way some people will devote hours to fiddling with their hairdaily, weekly, or for special occasions.  How contentious, the various religious perceptions regarding hairhiding it, dressing it, cutting it in peculiar ways... something utilitarian may be seen as a hair vanityeven religious tonsure, though it poses as the opposite.
       Have you've ever examined your own "luxurious locks" (a phrase, by the way, that dates back at least to 1855).  Have you spent much time contemplating hair generally?  Coloring, curling, straightening; split ends, burning, breaking; up-dos, crew cuts, mullets (shudder); hair genetics, hair vs. fur, Guinness hair records; hair loss, hair treatments, hair as deer-repellent... and English has numerous hair idioms and expressions, not to mention the ones in other languages!  Clearly this topic has much more range for exploration and discussion than one might think.  Let your hair down and have some fun researching.

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